This is the industrial area of the country. 这是这个国家的工业区。
False Creek a decaying industrial area with sawmills, rail yards, and small shops& was transformed into a residential development project. 法尔斯河这个锯木厂、铁路调车场、小店铺充斥其间的日渐衰败的工业区,已被改造为住宅发展区。
It was great significance in studying the industry cluster of modern Chinese medicine, promoting the formation of industrial clusters and improving the competitiveness of industrial area. 研究现代中药产业集群问题,对推动我国中药现代化产业集群的形成,提高产业区域竞争力具有重要意义。
Study of Commercial Facilities in the Fo Tan Industrial Area 火炭工业区的商业设施研究
GDA has established a batch of industrial area in Guangzhou City and Shenzhen City. 集团在广州、深圳建立了一批工业园区。
All that's left now is the industrial area! 现在就剩工业区了!
The industrial area is centered largely in the east. 工业区大部分集中在东部。
Make was confronted with a tricky, narrow site between a light industrial area and a residential neighbourhood so the architects designed a curved development that poses a public face to the factories with the rear gardens opening towards the housing. Make面对的是一处复杂的狭窄地块,位于一个轻工业区和一个住宅区之间,因此设计师设计了一个曲线型的开发方案,让公共区域面对工厂,后花园面向住宅。
The study on the soil environmental geochemistry in Chang-Zhu-Tan area shows that heavy metals in the industrial area were seriously polluted. 通过长株潭地区环境地球化学调查工作的实施,对长株潭地区土壤环境地球化学研究的工作方法进行了初步研究。
The Black Country ( smoky industrial area in the West Midlands of England) 黑乡(英格兰的西米德兰烟雾弥漫的工业区)。
Zhongguancun Science Park and Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone has become a global gathering of high-end industrial area. 中关村科技园区和北京经济技术开发区已成为全球高端产业的聚集区。
They live in an industrial area on the outskirts of the city, and the local children don't get to see a lot of the fireworks in the centre. 最终我们回到了我岳父母的家里。他们住在市郊的工业区,当地的孩子看不到市中心燃放的焰火。
This is a company engaged in professional plating linked to the enterprises, located in Bao'an District of Shenzhen City manhole town and a village of Xingye Road Yuhong industrial area. 本公司是一家从事专业挂镀的企业,位于深圳市宝安区沙井镇和一村兴业西路裕弘工业区内。
Sugar-Ju Wei Ting Kok at Huangge Town, south of Interchange, Meishan industrial area. 梅糖居委位于黄阁镇亭角立交南面,梅山工业区范围内。
Research on Reconstruction of the Old Industrial Area in Wuhan Metropolitan Area 武汉城市圈建设中老工业基地改建问题研究
There are three major component in the renovation of the Shuibei Industrial Area: Masterplan, Architectural fa ç ade renovation, and landscape design. 水贝工业区的改建主要分为三个部分:整体规划,建筑立面改造,和景观设计。
Cang Jiang Industrial Park is the new industrial area, there are a lot of big companies and big enterprises. 沧江工业园是新的工业区,有很多大公司,大企业。
Research Coordinative Development of Industrial Structure in Liaoning Old Industrial Area Based on Modern Supply Chain System 基于现代供应链的辽宁老工业基地产业结构协调发展研究
An area of land specifically designed to separate one zoning use from another, such as separating a residential neighborhood from an industrial area. 设计出来区分两个区域的地带,譬如隔开住宅区和工业区的地带。
Two: with landscape axis for segmentation, forming two industrial area. 两片:以绿化景观轴为分割,形成东西两个产业片区。
19A magic carpet hovers over the depressing reality of every day life in an industrial area. 一张魔毯盘旋在工业区每一日生活的压抑现实之上。
With the high-voltage inverter applications in the industrial area of the popularity of users of devices operating performance and product technology to a higher demand. 随着高压变频器在工业领域应用的普及,用户对装置的运行性能及产品工艺提出了更高的要求。
My dad took me for a few drives in the industrial area behind our house. 我爸爸带我到我家后面的工业区练习了一阵。
Integrated Circuit Industrial Area: The planned area is1.6 square kilometers. 集成电路产业区:规划面积1.6平方公里。
An Analysis of Pollution of Heavy Metal Plumbum on Typical Industrial Area of Yulin City 玉林市典型工业区重金属铅污染的调查研究
Evaluation of phytoavailability of thorium fractions in soil from rare earth industrial area 稀土工业区土壤中钍形态的植物可利用性评价
Birmingham is the centre of an industrial area. 伯明翰是一个工业区的中心。